Calle 33, Colombia

Medellin, 2018-2019

While in previous exhibitions I was concerned with bringing the environment – the streets, public spaces or nature – into a relationship with my artwork, I now (2019) wanted to bring people and their stories and questions within their own urban living environment into central focus.  The art piece would now play a more secondary role, more a catalyst. The content of these conversations cannot be published as they seem too intimate to me. The photographs, however, are snapshots taken during the conversations and encounters. The focus was on:

Who are you – what do you do – what are your life’s questions?

So as not to be mute, begin by not being deaf.

Eduardo  Galeano

Pr. Nr. CAL-002

Don Ruben, Doña Leyla and Manuel in their shop. In front of their shop is a small terrace with bistro chairs and tables where shoppers and workers meet every day. During the conversation, the question arose about my work – where it could be seen. Without further ado, I fetched the picture I was currently working on, which seemed to me a suitable inspiration for my project: to use an art piece for building bridges between continents.

The Black Madonna of Guadalupe
Para usar

If I fall, it’s because I walk.
But it’s worth walking, although I fall.

Eduardo  Galeano

Falling causes wounds – discovering their wounds in their diversity captivated my sympathy.  Our shared experience became one of the initial questions of future encounters.

The Black Madonna of Guadalupe meant different things to different people. 

Aeropuerto Cali
Mercedes Sosa, Gabriel Garcia Marquez und Frida Kahlo

Encounters with a picture of
Mercedes Sosa, Gabriel García Márquez & Frida Kahlo

I saw this picture at the Cali Airport and photographed it.

The following photos are representative.

What engaged me was the question of how people here connect to these three great personalities of South American cultural history.

In practical use

I used this photograph and transformed it into something practical for everyday use in a kitchen.

During tarring work on 33rd Street, for 2 weeks I spent the nights accompanying the workers. I used a little painting entitled: 


and a painting entitled: 

The Moment

One of the initial themes for these encounters was – 

friendship and cohesion

the moment


Francis & Madonna

At a boutique with Francis & Madonna

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Encounters about global economic inequality took place in the Los Molinos clothing boutique. Francis of Assisi and popstar Madonna, set in a collage, served as the opening theme for conversation.

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